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Hello, I’m Johan Brandt!

I'm a Game Programming student seeking an internship or junior position. As a dedicated, quick-learning programmer, I thrive in challenging situations and excel in interpersonal interactions. My aim is to contribute my skills and dedication to ensure mutual success for myself, the company, and its teams.


I am a:​

  • Gameplay Programmer

  • Systems Programmer

  • AI Programmer

Looking For:

  • Internships

  • Junior Positions

For my Graduation Project at FutureGames, I collaborated with four other programmers on a 10-week project that began on March 18th. Throughout the project, I have been implementing various features, with particular ownership over one significant component: the enemy AI.

The enemy units are all exactly the same as the player units when it comes to functionality. This means that they will have to be able to consider a wide range of diverse abilities. To effectively manage this complexity, I am employing Utility AI.

The AI controller is developed using C++, with higher-level considerations scripted in AngelScript.

The project is currently ongoing with daily updates and enhancements.


  10 Weeks

Unreal Engine (C++ / AngelScript)


A strategic local multiplayer game set on a hexagonal tile grid. Two players, representing the forces of Devils and Angels, engage in intense battles to gain control over the central tile. Players deploy a variety of mythical units across the hexagonal grid, each inspired by the rich mythos of Devils and Angels, in a bid to dominate the celestial battlefield.


  4 Weeks

Unreal Engine (C++)


This side project was started with the intention of gaining more practical experience with using Unreal Engine's networking framework and for learning the fundamentals of AngelScript for Unreal Engine. We specifically tried to use AngelScript as much as possible, even where C++ probably would have been a better fit, to learn more about using AS. I worked on it alongside of two other programmers who had the same goal.


  4 Weeks

Unreal Engine (C++ / AngelScript)

A challenging, fast-paced roguelike where enemies change their where enemies behaviour dynamically alters based on a cycle of the Sun and an Eclipse.

This marked my first venture into Unreal Engine and C++. While some aspects were a bit disorganized, it was a valuable learning experience. I'm highly satisfied with the overall outcome and my significant contribution to the project.


  7 Weeks

Unreal Engine (C++)

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An asymmetric split-screen multiplayer game where two players take on the roles of two unique characters—the strong and resilient Wolf and the agile and swift Raven. Their mission is to use their unique abilities to protect the sacred Grove Heart from relentless waves of blight-infected enemies while simultaneously cleansing the heart of its corruption.


  4 Weeks

Unity (C#)

IK and Procedural Animation

A short an fun project where I prototyped an implementation of an Inverse Kinematics (IK) system utilizing a FABRIK solver. It also implements a dynamic interpolation system for animating specific body parts.

SDL Pac-Man Clone

I collaborated with three other programmers on a compact project over the span of about 5-6 days. The goal was to develop a Pac-Man clone using SDL and C++.

My primary contributions to the project were centered around the input system and the Movement of the characters. 

Physics Playground

What started out as a math assignment veered off to become more of a playground for me to tinker around with creating my own system for intersections and game physics. This is a prototype and not anything of production quality but I will continually play around with it and focus on learning about the foundations in game physics though it. 

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